Getting Started
Getting started with Labrador should be simple out-of-the-box. Extend the AbstractApplication
class and implement the
method. This method should return a Amp\Promise
that resolves when your app has finished
running. If you've already read the Quick Start on the README some code below may look familiar to you. However, there
are some important additions in this documentation compared to the README so review the code carefully.
// app.php in your project's root directory
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Cspray\Labrador\AbstractApplication;
use Cspray\Labrador\DependencyGraph;
use Cspray\Labrador\Engine;
use Amp\Promise;
use Amp\Delayed;
use Amp\Log\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
use function Amp\call;
use function Amp\ByteStream\getStdout;
class HelloWorldApplication extends AbstractApplication {
protected function doStart() : Promise {
return call(function() {
yield new Delayed(1); // just to show that we are running on the Loop
$this->logger->info('Hello Labrador!');
public function handleException(Throwable $throwable) : void{
parent::handleException($throwable); // the AbstractApplication will log the $throwable as an error
// If you need to do something special when an exception is thrown in your app other than logging it
// Be sure to customize the logger to be appropriate for your needs!
$logger = new Logger('labrador.hello-world');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(getStdout()));
// More information about how to create your own DependencyGraph can be found in /docs/how-tos/creating-your-dependency-graph
$injector = (new DependencyGraph($logger))->wireObjectGraph();
// We want to make sure that the dependencies required by AbstractApplication are autowired using the $injector
$app = $injector->make(HelloWorldApplication::class);
// Note we are making an _interface_ and not an implementation. By default this will return an AmpEngine instance
$engine = $injector->make(Engine::class);
Important Concepts
Based on the simple boilerplate above there's some important concepts to take into consideration when it comes to creating Labrador applications that we believe should be important in your own applications.
Logging is mission-critical
You'll notice that our example doesn't just echo
out "Hello Labrador!"
but goes so far as to log the information out.
If you were to actually run this example you'd see even more information logged. If you registered Plugins you'd see
even more detailed information logged about exactly what is happening during the Plugin loading process. Real life
experience has proved that proper logging can make an application easier to maintain.
You should treat logging the same in your own application. If there's anything meaningful that occurs in your app you
should log it. Gaining access to the Logger is simple. Implement the Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface
; the Application
interface extends this. Next, use the Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait
; the AbstractApplication
implementation uses this. As
long as the $injector
from the DependencyGraph
above create your object then that object will automatically have the
property set.
Dependency Injection is important
The $injector
in the code above plays a highly critical role in the running of a Labrador application. We make use of
Dependency Injection with simple interfaces at code boundaries to make code easy to test and easy to replace. The Auryn
injector helps make the pain of Dependency Injection go away. Some cool things the $injector
is doing for us includes
taking care of the dependency that is required by the AbstractApplication
interface and allowing us to create our Engine
instance using the Engine
interface. Different libraries can define their own implementation to use for the Engine
. The
is also how we take care of ensuring that Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface
instances have the Logger set on
object creation.
If you have not done so yet check out Labrador's DependencyGraph
source code. It gives a good baseline for the
functionality provided by Auryn. After that you should definitely check out the Auryn documentation
and learn to embrace Inversion of Control.
Next Steps
The real power of Labrador comes with its concept of "plugins". It is highly recommended you check out the Plugins: Overview next.